Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Video, finally!

I finally have a training buddy with whom to take turns filming, and here are some of the clips made recently at the Wilfred Laurier University pool in Waterloo.  We're still getting a hang of using the camera, so some of the shots are shaky or too close at first.

video #1
video #2
video #3
video #4
video #5
video #6

The first thing I noticed was that my left arm (breathing side) enters the water earlier and steeper than the right, and I appear to over-rotate to the left as a consequence. I'm now working on bilateral breathing to help achieve more symmetry in my stroke, as well as finding the "just enough" rotation. I thought I also might be too deep in the water, which would require me to roll further to breathe. Swimming closer to the surface has made a difference.

Second, I didn't realize how erratic my kick was. I've since been focused on pointing my toes more, keeping both legs drafting behind the body, and feeling the kick initiated more from the hips (I tend to bend at the knees, especially on the left side).

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